Taits Family Martial Arts
Martial Arts is a fantastic way to develop and nurture essential life skills in all stages of life. A by-product of this training is a noticeable improvement in fitness, strength and balance.

At Tait's Family Martial Arts, you can learn Taekwondo, Hapkido, Arnis de Mano and Tai Chi.

Some of the benefits of training with Tait's:

+ Black Belt School of Excellence

+ Do Jang is modern, matted and air-conditioned and you don‘t have to help the instructor load up the car at the end of the lesson

+ Exams are all done in lnnisfail

+ Instructors have a blue “Suitability Card” — a necessity to teach children

+ World Taekwondo Federated instructors both have Jidokwan and Kukkiwon qualifications

+ Instructors have trained in South Korea on several occasions with world champions in different universities and Do Jangs

+ In house tournaments regularly. Alternating sparring and technical tournaments

+ Raise money for charities to make our players be aware of their community and what they can do for others

+ A reading program teaches healthy mind and a healthy body

+ STAR program for the children to help them be more aware of making the right decisions and become more responsible people

+ Lessons in Mindfulness for Adults

+ Age specific classes